Chuong Nguyen

I'm a
  • Undergraduate
  • Software Developer
  • Triton
  • ML Engineer
  • Researcher
  • Youth Leader
  • Soccer Fan

Hello there
Welcome to My Home Page!
My name is Chuong Nguyen. I'm an incoming third-year Computer Science at UCSD with a deep passion for Machine Learning. Under the mentorship of Professor Munyaka, I'm fortunate to explore innovative projects in Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing that drive my curiosity and growth in the field. Take a glimpse at some of my latest endeavors below. If you've any question, feel free to email me anytime or brief through my resume by clicking on the paper icon below.


Machine Learning Research

Ujima Lab

Beauty Filter

Understanding Parental Concerns on Roblox Gaming Platforms: Conducted a comprehensive analysis on facial enhancements from three distinct filter applications (Snatched, Blochi Gora, Baby Girl filters), investigating the influence of cultural biases on physical appearance modifications. Migrated the Fa- cial Landmarks Analysis Before and After Filter Enhancement algorithm to a remote server, enabling parallel computing for processing a larger dataset.

Smart Mirror

Tackling Racial Bias in Underrepresented Communities through Public Art Implemented two pre-trained computer vision models, Deepface and Retina, for facial recognition and racial classification. Developed a Smart Mirror device running on a Raspberry Pi, integrating these models to provide real-time facial analysis and classification.

September 2023 - Present

Early Research Scholar Program Intern

"Parent seeking Roblox Safety Help": Comparing Parental Roblox COncerns to Roblox offerings

Conducted an extensive topic modeling analysis on over 10,000 Reddit posts and sur- veyed 100 participants to identify and validate 4 primary parental concerns related to the Roblox gaming platform. Proposed three actionable solutions for Roblox to address these concerns, which were detailed in a conference paper. Additionally, presented the research findings at the ERSP symposium, highlighting the significance and impact of the study

September 2023 - June 2024

Association for Computing Machinery AI Intern

Credit Card Fraud Detector

Developing an Application for Credit Card Fraud Prediction Experimented with over five supervised learning models to detect credit card fraud using a Kaggle dataset. Conducted a comprehensive performance analysis of the mod- els. Developed a Credit Card Fraud Detection website and presented the project at the ACM symposium, demonstrating its practical application and effectiveness

October 2022 - January 2023

Software Developer

Zooseeker Android App

Developing an Application for Credit Card Fraud Prediction Designed and implemented the database schema for the Zoo app, optimizing data organization and retrieval. Revamped the Android application’s user interface to sig- nificantly enhance user experience. Reviewed and maintained comprehensive project documentation to ensure clarity and consistenc

April 2024 - June 2024



University of California San Diego

Bachelor of Science
Computer Science - Machine Learning
September 2022 - June 2026


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Data structures and Software Design
  • Database and Schema Design
  • Computer Vision
  • Recommender System


Beyond my role as a Machine Learning Engineer, I find fulfillment in volunteering and community service. I'm deeply engaged with the VEYM organization, where every moment is cherished. Guiding and supporting the youth in my local community brings me immense joy. In my leisure, I indulge in watching sports, exploring nature through hiking, and embarking on memorable camping adventures.

Awards & Certifications

  • Provost Honors - University of California San Diego
  • Machine Learning Specialization - Coursera